
Essential Oil Blend

MetaPWR Essential Oil Blend is designed to support a lifestyle focused on increased vitality, better nutrition choices and maintaining wellbeing. Developed by doTERRA clinical and medical scientists, the MetaPWR blend is formulated with specific balanced ratios of CPTG™ Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger and Cinnamon essential oils. The combination of citrus, mint and spice oils makes MetaPWR a powerful food flavouring to help satisfy your sweet cravings!


Essential Oil Blend

15 ml
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Primary Benefits

  • Ideal to add to beverages with its citrusy, spicy, minty, sweet aroma.
  • Offers the ideal boost you need before and during a vigorous workout.
  • MetaPWR may be stimulating to the senses and help uplift mood when added to recipes.
  • A beneficial addition to your wellness regimen to complement mindful food choices.
  • In relation to the Peppermint essential oil ingredient:

    • Used to facilitate the digestion*
    • Contributes to the stimulation of the production of the digestive body fluids*
    • Supports the liver and biliary function*
    • Helps to facilitate fat digestion*
    • Contributes to better fat digestion*
    • Helps to support the digestion*
    • Helps keep the stomach healthy.*
  • *These health claims are still under decision of the EU and EFSA.

What's Inside?


The name “grapefruit” is attributed to the fruits growing in clusters which resemble those of grapes. Commonly known for its sour and tangy taste, grapefruit is the rotund, yelloworange fruit of an evergreen citrus tree. Grapefruit essential oil is derived from the rind of this fruit and is cherished for its many uses and benefits as well for its refreshing aroma and robust flavour.

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One of doTERRA’s top-selling essential oils, Lemon has multiple benefits and uses. Lemon is frequently added to food to enhance the flavour of desserts and main dishes. Lemon has an uplifting, energising aroma.

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Consistently one of dōTERRA’s best sellers, Peppermint is always a useful oil to have on hand. Peppermint adds a refreshing, minty taste to desserts, beverages, smoothies, and even savoury dishes. A high menthol content – like that found in the dōTERRA Peppermint essential oil – distinguishes the best quality Peppermint oil from other products. Peppermint is also frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral care.

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Sourced from Madagascar, doTERRA Ginger essential oil is derived from the fresh rhizome of the ginger plant – the subterranean stalk of a plant that shoots out the root system. A featured ingredient in many Asian dishes, Ginger has a hot, fragrant flavour when used as a kitchen spice. In Western tradition, Ginger is most often used in sweets like gingerbread and ginger snaps.

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Cinnamon Bark

The sweet, spicy aroma of cinnamon bark is loved around the world. Cinnamon is derived from a tropical evergreen tree that grows up to 45 feet high and has highly fragrant bark, leaves, and flowers. Cinnamon Bark has a long history of culinary uses, but its essential oil is surprisingly versatile. Cinnamon is frequently used in mouth rinses and gums.

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  • Make it part of your daily routine to consume MetaPWR blend with water before a meal.
  • To be refreshed and ready for exercise, add to a smoothie or juice to create a stimulating environment.
  • Enjoy alongside a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.
  • When you crave sugary, sweet foods, add a drop to chopped fruit for a refreshing snack that satisfies your tastebuds.
  • Take in conjunction with the complete MetaPWR™ System to live your most powerful life.

Directions for Use

Add a drop to 240 ml of water.


Only use diluted. Take no more than one drop per day. Keep out of reach of children. Keep out of eyes and mucosa. In case of skin contact, avoid sunlight and UV rays for at least 12 hours after applying. Lot/Best before: See bottom of bottle. Keep tightly closed and store in a cool place.

The 3–Step MetaPWR System

It starts with three easy steps:

Maximise the powerful products in this system to redefine your wellness and make every day count for the rest of your life.

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MetaPWR System
Step 1

MetaPWR Essential Oil Blend

Start your day with a well-balanced, whole-food diet and make MetaPWR Essential Oil Blend products a part of your daily routine. Add a drop of the blend to your water throughout the day. When you're on-the-go and crave something sweet, opt for the fruity, refreshing flavour of a beadlet instead. You can also try adding softgels to your daily supplement routine.

Step 2

MetaPWR Assist

Take MetaPWR Assist 15–30 minutes before your largest meal of the day to have the greatest impact. This powerhouse supplement uses a superior process to maximise the active component in mulberry leaf extract, combined with the MetaPWR blend. Help sustain energy more evenly throughout the day and help maintain regular eating and fitness.

Step 3

MetaPWR Advantage

Consistent daily use of MetaPWR Advantage helps your body perform to the best of its ability and leaves you feeling satisfied. When combined with the rest of the MetaPWR System and informed lifestyle choices, MetaPWR Advantage can help maintain NAD+ and collagen. Add the contents of one sachet to 150-240 ml of cold or room temperature water. Shake well before drinking.

MetaPWR™ Course

It's time to live your most powerful life. Start this self-paced course today and discover how the MetaPWR system can transform your daily lifestyle choices. Learn how to live better at every age with a powerful line of products that can revolutionise your wellness.

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