Array |
1 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 829: SELECT CountryDesc_Table.Name<br>
830: FROM CountryDesc_Table<br>
<b>831: WHERE CountryDesc_Table.CountryID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#CLIENT.ShoppingCart_CountryID#"> AND</b><br>
832: CountryDesc_Table.LanguageID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#Client.ShoppingCart_LanguageID#"><br>
833: </cfquery><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 829: SELECT CountryDesc_Table.Name
830: FROM CountryDesc_Table
831: WHERE CountryDesc_Table.CountryID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#CLIENT.ShoppingCart_CountryID#"> AND
832: CountryDesc_Table.LanguageID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER" value="#Client.ShoppingCart_LanguageID#">
833: </cfquery>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | system.modules.shoppingcart.modules.content.display.dsp_shophome_header_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/Modules/Content/Display/dsp_ShopHome_Header.cfm |
| type | |
2 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 19: <cfinclude template="#REQUEST.CallFile('dsp_ShopHome_RetailCheckoutHeader.cfm')#"><!---WF175802---><br>
20: <cfelse><br>
<b>21: <cfinclude template="#REQUEST.CallFile('dsp_ShopHome_Header.cfm')#"></b><br>
22: </cfif><br>
23: </cfsavecontent><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 19: <cfinclude template="#REQUEST.CallFile('dsp_ShopHome_RetailCheckoutHeader.cfm')#"><!---WF175802--->
20: <cfelse>
21: <cfinclude template="#REQUEST.CallFile('dsp_ShopHome_Header.cfm')#">
22: </cfif>
23: </cfsavecontent>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | system.modules.shoppingcart.modules.content.display.dsp_shophome_moduleheader_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/Modules/Content/Display/dsp_ShopHome_ModuleHeader.cfm |
| type | |
3 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 38: <br>
39: <cfcase value="shophome_header"><br>
<b>40: <cfinclude template="#REQUEST.CallFile('dsp_ShopHome_ModuleHeader.cfm')#"></b><br>
41: </cfcase><br>
42: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 38:
39: <cfcase value="shophome_header">
40: <cfinclude template="#REQUEST.CallFile('dsp_ShopHome_ModuleHeader.cfm')#">
41: </cfcase>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.__138.shopdoterra_iact540.system.modules.shoppingcart.modules.content.fbx_switch_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/Modules/Content/fbx_Switch.cfm |
| type | |
4 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 82: <br>
83: <cfcase value="evoshoppingcart"><br>
<b>84: <cfmodule template="../../../ShoppingCart/Modules/Content/fbx_Switch.cfm" ContentPage="shophome_header"></b><br>
85: <!--- <cfinclude template="#IncludeHeaderFile("dsp_EvoShoppingCart.cfm")#"> ---><br>
86: </cfcase><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 82:
83: <cfcase value="evoshoppingcart">
84: <cfmodule template="../../../ShoppingCart/Modules/Content/fbx_Switch.cfm" ContentPage="shophome_header">
85: <!--- <cfinclude template="#IncludeHeaderFile("dsp_EvoShoppingCart.cfm")#"> --->
86: </cfcase>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.__138.shopdoterra_iact540.system.modules.header.skins.skin01.index_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/Header/skins/skin01/index.cfm |
| type | |
5 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 43: <cfinclude template="../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/custom/modules/Header/skins/#COOKIE.Skin#/index.cfm"><br>
44: <cfelse><br>
<b>45: <cfinclude template="../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/system/modules/Header/skins/#COOKIE.Skin#/index.cfm"></b><br>
46: </cfif><br>
47: </cfif><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 43: <cfinclude template="../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/custom/modules/Header/skins/#COOKIE.Skin#/index.cfm">
44: <cfelse>
45: <cfinclude template="../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/system/modules/Header/skins/#COOKIE.Skin#/index.cfm">
46: </cfif>
47: </cfif>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.__138.shopdoterra_iact540.system.modules.header.index_cfm$cf$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/Header/index.cfm |
| type | |
6 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 22: <br>
23: <br>
<b>24: <cfmodule template="../../Header/index.cfm" ModuleName="Header" ></b><br>
25: <br>
26: <div class="ui center aligned container"><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 22:
24: <cfmodule template="../../Header/index.cfm" ModuleName="Header" >
26: <div class="ui center aligned container">
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.__138.shopdoterra_iact540.system.modules.layouts.template1.closedsite_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/Layouts/template1/ClosedSite.cfm |
| type | |
7 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 35: <cfinclude template="../custom/modules/Layouts/template1/ClosedSite.cfm"><br>
36: <cfelse><br>
<b>37: <cfinclude template="modules/Layouts/template1/ClosedSite.cfm"></b><br>
38: </cfif><br>
39: <cfabort><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 35: <cfinclude template="../custom/modules/Layouts/template1/ClosedSite.cfm">
36: <cfelse>
37: <cfinclude template="modules/Layouts/template1/ClosedSite.cfm">
38: </cfif>
39: <cfabort>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.__138.shopdoterra_iact540.system.act_closedsitelogic_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/act_ClosedSiteLogic.cfm |
| type | |
8 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 15: <br>
16: <!--- check to see if the site has been closed ---><br>
<b>17: <cfinclude template="../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/system/act_ClosedSiteLogic.cfm"></b><br>
18: <br>
19: <!---WF176810 moved down after cfg <cfif not (structKeyExists(CLIENT,"DistID") AND isNumeric(CLIENT.DISTID)) or (structKeyExists(Client,"SHOPPINGCART_Status") and structKeyExists(REQUEST,"SHOPPINGCART_CustomerStatus") and Client.SHOPPINGCART_Status eq REQUEST.SHOPPINGCART_CustomerStatus)><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 15:
16: <!--- check to see if the site has been closed --->
17: <cfinclude template="../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/system/act_ClosedSiteLogic.cfm">
19: <!---WF176810 moved down after cfg <cfif not (structKeyExists(CLIENT,"DistID") AND isNumeric(CLIENT.DISTID)) or (structKeyExists(Client,"SHOPPINGCART_Status") and structKeyExists(REQUEST,"SHOPPINGCART_CustomerStatus") and Client.SHOPPINGCART_Status eq REQUEST.SHOPPINGCART_CustomerStatus)>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.system.modules.shoppingcart.fbx_switch_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/fbx_Switch.cfm |
| type | |
9 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 56: </cfif><br>
57: <CFSET CLIENT.ShoppingCart_Dir=REQUEST.ShoppingCart_Dir><!---reset new directory---><br>
<b>58: <CFINCLUDE Template="../../system/modules/ShoppingCart/fbx_Switch.cfm"></b><br>
59: <br>
60: <cfcatch><!---WF166919 catch any errors---><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 56: </cfif>
57: <CFSET CLIENT.ShoppingCart_Dir=REQUEST.ShoppingCart_Dir><!---reset new directory--->
58: <CFINCLUDE Template="../../system/modules/ShoppingCart/fbx_Switch.cfm">
60: <cfcatch><!---WF166919 catch any errors--->
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | shoppingcart.index_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/wwwroot/ShoppingCart/index.cfm |
| type | |