On Guard®

Essential oils are natural, pure, volatile, and extremely potent chemicals. They are considered the "soul" of the plant. On Guard® is one of doTERRA's best-selling mixtures, and can be used to give a distinctive flavor to beverages.

On Guard Flavor

On Guard®

5 ml
R$ 100.00
R$ 75.00

What's Inside?

Cinnamon Bark

doTERRA Cinnamon Bark essential oil is derived from a tropical evergreen tree that can reach up to 13 meters in height and has a strong fragrance in its bark, leaves and flowers. Cinnamon Bark has a long history of culinary use, offering a spicy twist to desserts, main courses, and hot drinks, and is often used in chewing gum.

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Clove's flavor has made it used for years in candy and chewing gum. In addition to its myriad benefits, and as a culinary spice, it adds a spicy flavor to any dish or dessert. Its main chemical component, eugenol, makes doTERRA Clove an energizing essential oil.

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Essential oils are natural, pure, volatile, and extremely potent chemicals. They are considered the "soul" of the plant. Long revered by connoisseurs, Rosemary was a highly revered oil by ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Hebrew cultures. Rosemary is an aromatic, verdant shrub whose leaves are often used to add flavor to foods such as pork, poultry, lamb, among others.

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Wild Orange

Essential oils are natural, pure, volatile, and extremely potent chemicals. They are considered the "soul" of the plant. Cold extracted from the peels of the fruit, Orange Blossom is one of doTERRA's best-selling oils. It can be taken daily and adds a citrusy touch of flavor to drinks and dishes. The Natural Orange Blossom Aroma is a volatile product of plant origin that is obtained through cold pressing and has odorous and savory properties. It should be added to your favorite drink or food.

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  • Add 1 to 2 drops to a bowl of water and sliced apples.

Directions for Use

Dilute 1 drop for every 100 ml of liquid.


Extensive, sustainable sourcing partnerships empower doTERRA to produce exclusive, proprietary oils and blends that preserve the purity and potency of each plant.

Wild Orange
Citrus sinensis
Cold pressed from the peel, Wild Orange is one of doTERRA's top selling essential oils due to its energizing aroma and multiple health benefits.
Wild Orange
Citrus sinensis
Cold pressed from the peel, Wild Orange is one of doTERRA's top selling essential oils due to its energizing aroma and multiple health benefits.

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