
Elettaria cardamomum seed oil essential 1 mL/mL AUST L 335587

Get natural relief using the traditional benefits of Cardamom seed oil. Also known as elaichi, Cardamom is an ancient spice originating in India. With its unmistakable aroma, you may know Cardamom from its use in personal care products like creams, soaps and perfume. In addition, Cardamom seed oil is traditionally used in aromatherapy to provide relief from digestive discomfort.

Cardamom Oil


Elettaria cardamomum seed oil essential 1 mL/mL AUST L 335587

5 ml
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Primary Benefits

  • With its warm, spicy aroma, Cardamom seed oil has been traditionally used in aromatherapy to relieve digestive discomfort.
  • Fragrant and spicy-sweet, find relief with unmistakable Cardamom seed oil.

Cardamom: The Perfect Baking Side-kick

Ready to spice up your homemade bread? Try adding a drop of Cardamom essential oil to your next loaf! This exotic spice will bring a whole new flavour to old family favourites. For a special treat, try adding Cardamom to sweet loaves like banana bread! Yum!
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  • Traditionally used in aromatherapy to:
  • Support health and wellbeing
  • Relieve digestive discomfort

Directions for Use

Inhalation Use:
  • Add 5-10 drops in a diffuser or hot water and inhale deeply for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Add 5-10 drops to hot water and inhale deeply for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Add 2 drops onto a tissue, hold near the nose and inhale.
Use up to 3 timers per day. The eyes should be kept shut during inhalation.

Topical Use:  Mix 1 drop of oil in 1.3 mL (28 drops) of carrier oil in a clean, dry container. Apply to affected area.
Use up to 3 times per day or as needed.


KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Possible skin sensitivity. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician.


Complete Essentials

Featuring three amazing doTERRA Air products, this kit includes products designed to help you live comfortably throughout the year.
This Kit Contains

doTERRA Air™ (15 ml), doTERRA Air™ Vapour Stick, doTERRA Air™ Drops, TriEase™ Softgels, Lavender (15 ml), Melaleuca (15 ml), PB Assist™


Why Guatemala?

Cardamom is grown in both India and Guatemala. The plant grows well in both locations and climates. In India cardamom is used primarily for the local spice industry, whereas Guatemala's supply is typically exported.

How Does it Work?


Cardamom is a member of the ginger family. It grows best in the shade and the average cardamom plant lives seven years. It generally starts to bear fruit two to three years after planting and produces 10 to 20 cardamom seeds in each seedpod. Normally, it is harvested from September - February. Most cardamom is sold to the spice market.

The essential oil comes from the cardamom seeds inside the seedpods. The outer shell of the pod is green, thin, and papery. Inside are the seeds, which are small and black. They are dried for about 36 hours before being sold—either as a spice or for distillation. After drying, the cardamom pods are only a fifth of their fresh weight. The seeds are then steam-distilled for several hours to produce the essential oil. 

Co-impact Sourcing

Building Supplier Capacity in Guatemala

As part of mutually beneficial sourcing initiatives, doTERRA works to support farmers, producers and distillers through training and financial support. Here's how this affects cardamom farmers in Guatemala:

  • Farmers are provided with bi-weekly training about best practices for growing cardamom
  • Farmers also get hands-on experience so they can see the positive effects of these practices in their own fields
  • As a result of this training, farmers can grow higher quality and increased quantity of cardamom – and therefore receive a higher price for their product
Most Tested. Most Trusted.

What's in your bottle?

You will find your Quality ID on the bottom of doTERRA single essential oil bottles purchased after May 2016. The Quality ID will contain a series of six or seven numbers and one letter.

How to find your Quality ID

Wellness is in the Air

Transform any room into a serene or uplifting environment with a custom-designed, nature-inspired, ultrasonic diffuser. With various diffusers to choose from, you're sure to find the perfect fit! nature-inspired, ultrasonic diffuser.

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