Array |
1 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 38: QueryString="&CURRENCY=#URLEncodedFormat(Variables.MyCURRENCY)#"><br>
39: <br>
<b>40: <cfset Caller.CurrencyQuery = CurrencyQuery></b><br>
41: <!---END: WF175470---><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 38: QueryString="&CURRENCY=#URLEncodedFormat(Variables.MyCURRENCY)#">
40: <cfset Caller.CurrencyQuery = CurrencyQuery>
41: <!---END: WF175470--->
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | system.modules.nfr_otg.actions.act_currencybackend_cfm$cf$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/NFR_OTG/Actions/act_CurrencyBackend.cfm |
| type | |
2 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 20: <!--- Query the back-end here to retrieve the currency information. ---><br>
21: <CFIF FILEEXISTS("#REQUEST.MYROOTPATH#/system/modules/NFR_OTG/Actions/act_CurrencyBackend.cfm")><!---WF173069---><br>
<b>22: <cfmodule template="../../../../../../../#REQUEST.MYCONFIGDIR#/system/modules/NFR_OTG/Actions/act_CurrencyBackend.cfm" currencyCode="#Client.SHOPPINGCART_ShipToCountry#"> <!--- WF176808 - Connie M ---> <!--- WF175470 - Devante H---></b><br>
23: <CFELSE><br>
24: <cfmodule<br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 20: <!--- Query the back-end here to retrieve the currency information. --->
21: <CFIF FILEEXISTS("#REQUEST.MYROOTPATH#/system/modules/NFR_OTG/Actions/act_CurrencyBackend.cfm")><!---WF173069--->
22: <cfmodule template="../../../../../../../#REQUEST.MYCONFIGDIR#/system/modules/NFR_OTG/Actions/act_CurrencyBackend.cfm" currencyCode="#Client.SHOPPINGCART_ShipToCountry#"> <!--- WF176808 - Connie M ---> <!--- WF175470 - Devante H--->
23: <CFELSE>
24: <cfmodule
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | system.modules.shoppingcart.modules.marketselection.actions.act_updatemarketcurrency_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/Modules/MarketSelection/Actions/act_UpdateMarketCurrency.cfm |
| type | |
3 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 61: <cfinclude template="../../../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/custom/modules/ShoppingCart/Actions/act_CheckMarketAfter.cfm"><br>
62: </CFIF><br>
<b>63: <cfinclude template="#CallFile('act_UpdateMarketCurrency.cfm')#"></b><br>
64: </cfcase><br>
65: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 61: <cfinclude template="../../../../../../#REQUEST.MyConfigDir#/custom/modules/ShoppingCart/Actions/act_CheckMarketAfter.cfm">
62: </CFIF>
63: <cfinclude template="#CallFile('act_UpdateMarketCurrency.cfm')#">
64: </cfcase>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.system.modules.shoppingcart.modules.marketselection.fbx_switch_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/Modules/MarketSelection/fbx_Switch.cfm |
| type | |
4 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 145: <cfelseif IsDefined("VARIABLES.ChangeShipToCountry")><!---set the new shippingcountry and update the warehouse---><br>
146: <br>
<b>147: <cfmodule template="../Modules/MarketSelection/fbx_Switch.cfm" fusesubaction="UpdateCountry" Country="#VARIABLES.ChangeShipToCountry#"></b><br>
148: <cfelseif IsDefined("ChangeNFROTGWarehouseID") and ChangeNFROTGWarehouseID neq ""><br>
149: <cfmodule template="../Modules/MarketSelection/fbx_Switch.cfm" fusesubaction="NFROTGUpdateWarehouse" WarehouseID="#ChangeNFROTGWarehouseID#"><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 145: <cfelseif IsDefined("VARIABLES.ChangeShipToCountry")><!---set the new shippingcountry and update the warehouse--->
147: <cfmodule template="../Modules/MarketSelection/fbx_Switch.cfm" fusesubaction="UpdateCountry" Country="#VARIABLES.ChangeShipToCountry#">
148: <cfelseif IsDefined("ChangeNFROTGWarehouseID") and ChangeNFROTGWarehouseID neq "">
149: <cfmodule template="../Modules/MarketSelection/fbx_Switch.cfm" fusesubaction="NFROTGUpdateWarehouse" WarehouseID="#ChangeNFROTGWarehouseID#">
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.system.modules.shoppingcart.actions.act_checkmarket_cfm$cf$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/Actions/act_CheckMarket.cfm |
| type | |
5 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 146: <!---checkes to see if their is only one market for the client or you have selected a market from a form---><br>
147: <cfif NOT isDefined('URL.token')> <!---WF177095---><br>
<b>148: <cfinclude template="Actions/act_CheckMarket.cfm"></b><br>
149: </cfif><br>
150: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 146: <!---checkes to see if their is only one market for the client or you have selected a market from a form--->
147: <cfif NOT isDefined('URL.token')> <!---WF177095--->
148: <cfinclude template="Actions/act_CheckMarket.cfm">
149: </cfif>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | __138.system.modules.shoppingcart.fbx_switch_cfm$cf$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/system/modules/ShoppingCart/fbx_Switch.cfm |
| type | |
6 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 56: </cfif><br>
57: <CFSET CLIENT.ShoppingCart_Dir=REQUEST.ShoppingCart_Dir><!---reset new directory---><br>
<b>58: <CFINCLUDE Template="../../system/modules/ShoppingCart/fbx_Switch.cfm"></b><br>
59: <br>
60: <cfcatch><!---WF166919 catch any errors---><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 56: </cfif>
57: <CFSET CLIENT.ShoppingCart_Dir=REQUEST.ShoppingCart_Dir><!---reset new directory--->
58: <CFINCLUDE Template="../../system/modules/ShoppingCart/fbx_Switch.cfm">
60: <cfcatch><!---WF166919 catch any errors--->
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | shoppingcart.index_cfm$ |
| template | string | /www/shopdoterra-iact/wwwroot/ShoppingCart/index.cfm |
| type | |